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District Institute of Education and Training (DIET), Kokrajhar is located nearby Kokrajhar Tea- Estate. This Institute imparts training for pre- service and in- service teachers. Pre-service training for D.El.Ed. Course intake seat capacity is 100. Presently the Institute has 177 trainees. In this institute 2 Year D. El. Ed Course was started in 2012. Many trainees have qualified TET and some of them are working in different schools. Candidates need to sit in Pre- Entry Test(PET) for getting admission into D.El.Ed Course and this test is conducted by SCERT, Assam every year.
Kokrajhar DIET has 10 nos. Lab schools where internship program for trainees is conducted. These schools are located within the comfortable distance from this Institute. Every year the institute takes faculty development tour to other state and Knowledge Exchange Program with other DIETs for trainees within the state. Literally these programs are taken as exposure where participants could learn and share many knowledge and experiences. This opportunity is given for self development.
For outreach activity (community service), Kokrajhar DIET has adopted Magurmari village. For this village, time to time the institute conducts some activities like- sweeping, bamboo fencing, sensitization to village members on value education, child trafficking, child labour, drugs abuse, environment etc.
To visualize, plan and ensure delivery of quality education to all children from Pre-school to XII standard through framing of curriculum, syllabus design, textbook preparation, digital platform, learning assessment with learner-friendliness, supplementary reading materials, and professional development of teachers through pre-service and in-service programs, research and innovation, dissemination and exchange programs.
- To develop quality, competent and character of teachers for the School Education.
- To organize need based trainings to the HTs, CRCCs BRPs and Teachers of various categories.
- To prepare relevant local teaching learning materials and Educational Technology input to the School Education.
- To develop curriculum materials and evaluation items for the learners achievement
- To undertake action researches, research projects, schools visits, on site support and publication of journals.
- To engage D.El.Ed trainees for FLN program on every 2nd and 4th Saturday in their nearby schools.
- To organize Bridging Learning Gap program for students after every final term end evaluation.
- To organize outreach program.